AI Dreams
Wombo Dream is the AI tool I’m using to create my newest artistry exploring what is artistically possible with AI.
“Stable Diffusion” is now my preferred AI engine, but I began learning to use AI with VQGAN+Clip. The first ten galleries are designed with “Stable Diffusion” and the last gallery is my collection of the best VQGAN images I created before Stable Diffusion became available.
Of over 12,000+ images I have sofar created I’m only displaying a select few because it’s simply overwhelming to show more.
My interests are in exploring “Celestial & Otherworldly Realms” and things I find to be very beautiful.
Artistry · 1994-2016
My name is René Ertzinger, and on the net it’s aka RAYdianze for my artistry and design. I’m Canadian / Swiss-German, and my history with artistry goes back to the early 90’s using PC Fractint for exploring fractal designs.
The RAYdianze Artistry website offers a presentation of select Fractals and other digital designs from the many thousands I’ve made throughout the years.
What I learn from Fractals, is that everything has underlying mathematical formulas that determine shape, texture and form. Exploring fractals, it’s like having a super-powerful telescope to see what is mathematically possible and uncovering designs that exist somewhere in this huge universe . . .
Lifewise, it’s about family, friends, client relations, and socializing. My inner compass aims at truth, beauty and goodness in life and I consider myself to be a lifetime student of “The Urantia Book” and its teachings.
Workwise, I have a passion for WordPress website design and development.
Apppreciated, Earth, people, nature, minimalism, being honest, truthful, upbeat, positive & happy-go-lucky. Music, Hollywood, movies, sci-fi, action, photography, architecture, design, artistry, and things like glitz & glamour.
Motto, “Personal Integrity” is everything!